Yamaha Powerdrive

The popular Yamaha PW (Powerdrive) drive came onto the market back in 2014 and was used in many e-bikes. No wonder, because it was nice and small and light, but still powerful (70 Nm), and equipped with a particularly fine response. In 2017, the even more powerful but at the same time lighter Yamaha PW-X motor followed, which was especially designed for use in e-MTBs (80 Nm). The drive was equipped with an additional support stage for particularly steep climbs. From the 2018 model year, the next variant of the PW motor followed, namely the Yamaha PW-SE mid-mounted motor ("SE"="Sport Edition") - a real all-rounder that can be positioned between the classic Yamaha PW and the PW-X. The PW series has been constantly optimised and adapted to the requirements of certain e-bike types, so that various other variants have been added in the meantime: Yamaha PW-X and PW-SE drives until 2018 with Display X and the Yamaha PW-X, PW-SE, PW -ST, PW-X2, PW-X3, PW-TE and PW-CE. Now comes the new generation of Yamaha PW-X3 motors.
The RedPed module for the newer Yamaha PW-X, PW-X2, PW-ST, PW-TE, PW-CE and PW-SE engines should be highlighted as a tuning solution. The popular Badass Box 4 is also available for Yamaha PW engines. The Speedbox 3 and, above all, the PearTune MSO module have also proven their worth. The VOLspeed, on the other hand, allows settings to be made directly via the e-bike display.