Bosch Gen1

Here you will find tuning solutions for pedelecs with Bosch Classic Line (Gen1) motors (up to year of manufacture 2014). This proven e-bike drive from Bosch has been used by more than 50 bicycle brands. This enormous distribution made a suitable Bosch tuning so important. The well-known Sx2 dongle was the first tuning product ever on the tuning market. With this tool, the 25 km/h speed limit could be lifted. The dongle is tried and tested and, above all, quickly activated and deactivated. The ASA Speed has the option of an individual speed limit setting as well as self-calibration. The advantage here: The speed and the kilometres travelled are correctly shown on the display. The Badass Box 4 impresses with its easy handling, because the box only has to be attached to the sensor of the rear wheel. The JUM-Ped is very comprehensive and effective: The removal of the 25 km/h limit can be easily implemented without any technical knowledge and without tools; at the same time, the speed is correctly shown in the display.